Many people these days are bemoaning the lack of time families have to spend together. Besides having to go to school, kids also have their schedules filled with dozens of extracurricular activities such as sports, soccer practice, tuba lessons, ballet, tae kwon do, weekly religious groups, math teams, French club and the list goes on and on. Parents, of course, have jobs to attend to. Even stay at home mothers have their work cut out for them, what with PTA meetings, book clubs, cooking dinner, cleaning the house and weeding the garden among a million other things. Everyone is busy. Time is scarce. There's seems to be precious little time for families to get together and simply talk or to enjoy each other's company.
Of course, when everyone does happen to be at home, they usually retire to their separate rooms. The kids might be doing homework, chatting with friends, surfing the net or catching up on the latest episode of the Simpsons. Dad is probably busy catching the NFL Sunday Ticket, while mom is watching Troy with Brad Pitt playing the muscular Achilles--in high definition of course. So what happened to some good, old broadband isps quality family time? It is hard to streamyx plan by, especially in this day and era, with the rise of high-speed Internet, Blackberries, and 24 hour news. Parents and kids alike come home tired and exhausted and they don't feel like doing anything other than zoning out in front of the TV.
It's a popular national pastime; in fact kuala lumpur indonesia become a habit. You go home, flick on the TV set, pull out a cold beer, and relax. So where do you squeeze in family time?
Rather than throwing everything into disarray by imposing a two hour, no TV, no computer, no cell phone family meeting each night, you might want to take things easier and incorporate your quality time into your regular routine. Your kids will actually learn to appreciate family time. Find a TV show or movie to watch together, as a whole family.
With satellite TV, there's a wealth of entertaining and educational programs that the whole family will enjoy. The Discovery Channel, for example, has some fascinating programs in HD. Or opt for a classic movie or something internet service modern. Expose your kids to some of the world's most renowned directors. Let them pick out programs that interest them.
Once the show's over, talk about what you just saw. Ask your kids what they thought. Discuss related topics. You could even do further research about a subject matter if your kids find it interesting. The idea is to engage everyone, to make TV watching more active.
Of course, you shouldn't limit your family time to TV alone. Turn it off during meals. Make sure your TV doesn't become your kids' babysitter. However, you could try to turn watching TV into a family activity. Instead of watching separate shows on four different screens, come together and enjoy a movie together. It's not such a radical idea. Try it sometime. Your kids may thank you.
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